Manifesting the Life of Your Dreams

Powering up the Law of Attraction with Yoga + Essential Oils

I get it!

You may know what you want...and you may not be sure yet you just know where you are isn't it...

Maybe you've tried manifesting or maybe you have just struggled...


Life is going so fast...

How many more years need to pass before you finally live the life you really ?

Manifesting, Law of Attraction, Life coaching, manifesting on the mat

When will "now" be the right time to start?

My mom once told me, "It will never feel like it's the right time for a big change. Sometimes you just have to have faith and jump." Is living your dream worth the jump?

I've tried before...and it didn't work.

Here's the thing, we ALL have had "failures" in the past. We have stepped into changes we wanted, New Year's Resolutions, promises to ourselves we have broken. We have all experienced shame and doubt as a result. BUT one thing I have is 30 years experience walking people into success. The Academy is set up to help specifically help you KEEP GOING.

I feel like life is moving on without me...

I know the feeling. I let a few years go by - and I teach this topic! BUT it's up to YOU to stop the old patterns so you can step into what you really want. And you can do it!

but i've discovered

Manifesting is a powerful tool of intention...

...and we often find we get just so far with the Law of Attraction. BUT there is a secret...

the backstory

I have been a Life Coach and Yoga Educator for over 30 years. I used to say I was getting to people's hearts through their minds in coaching and their bodies on the Yoga mat.

Then I started to realize there was crossover in the two sides of my work: I was suggesting Yoga poses for my coaching clients and inspiring my Yoga students with life messages.

These two avenues worked beautifully together!

Then you add in the Law of Attraction, a vibrational, energetic-based law, and I realized how perfectly both coaching and yoga could work together to support someone's evolution.

We can work through people's bodies, minds, hearts and spirit!

AND then I began to experiment with essential oils and the results exploded!

Manifesting, Law of Attraction, Life coaching, manifesting on the mat

just imagine

Being able to say in ONE year what you can't say about your life right now...

The job you want.

The body you want.

The relationship you want.

The bank account you want.


Manifesting, Law of Attraction, Life coaching, manifesting on the mat
Manifesting, Law of Attraction, Life coaching, manifesting on the mat
Manifesting, Law of Attraction, Life coaching, manifesting on the mat
Manifesting, Law of Attraction, Life coaching, manifesting on the mat
Manifesting, Law of Attraction, Life coaching, manifesting on the mat
Manifesting, Law of Attraction, Life coaching, manifesting on the mat
Manifesting, Law of Attraction, Life coaching, manifesting on the mat
Manifesting, Law of Attraction, Life coaching, manifesting on the mat
Manifesting, Law of Attraction, Life coaching, manifesting on the mat

You are more capable than you know!

You CAN do this.....

What changes could occur if you had 365 DAYS OF SUPPORT! Someone nudging you to KEEP GOING?

just think...

Yoga + Essential Oils makes each step easier, fast tracking our transformation!


Yoga poses help us shift physically, breathing practices help us change our energy and visualizations and meditations help us shift our beliefs and mindset.


Essential oils can also effect us on all levels of our being. Not only can they shift our vibration -with a simple sniff - they help us be much more mindful and intentional on a daily basis.

Yoga & Essential Oils work on all levels of our being.

When we use them, we don't have to do all the work through our minds!


Manifesting :: the academy

5 Steps (+1) for Living Your Extraordinary Life

Imagine having a step-by-step process set out for you... each month going a bit more deeply.
You get inspirational messages to NUDGE you to KEEP GOING! We all fade away at times. What would having inspiration for 12 months do for you?

6- or 12-month coaching program

Deep dive into 6 Steps - One month for each step

Yoga: Asana + Breathing + Visualizations for each step

Essential Oils for each step

Manifesting, Law of Attraction, Life coaching, manifesting on the mat


Coaching Talks...

You get over 40 video coaching session (AND, if you have questions that need more support, Laura will create MORE videos for you!)

Yoga Technique + practices...

You will get yoga technique videos to share tips on how to practice your Yoga in the most transformational way. And do't worry if you are a beginner - we've got you!

Essential Oils Tips

Each step comes with essential oil suggestions and tips on how to incorporate the oils into your life. Oils help you become more intentional and shift the energy faster.

And more!

You also access audio recordings for visualizations & breathing practices & extra bonuses!


AND you enjoy the support of a Master Life Coach along the way!

the course:

5 Steps (+1) for Living Your Extraordinary Life

The Academy is based on Laura's flagship program, 5 Steps (+1) for Living Your Extraordinary Life which she has taught for 15 + years. She used to teach it over 6-8 weeks, sharing the info quickly so it was hard for people to incorporate it well.

Over and over again people told her they wished it was longer so they had time to assimilate the information better - and the academy was born!

There are 5 steps (+1) so we will cover each step for a full month, incorporating concepts, practicing on the Yoga mat, and getting the info into your cells!

For each topic you'll receive...

  • Coaching videos

  • Yoga technique tutorial

  • Longer, guided Yoga session

  • Quick, guided Yoga session

  • Guided breathing session

  • Guided visualization session

  • Any bonus trainings to support your lessons


Don't let ONE MORE DAY go by without taking action!

Make your next year the most transformational year of your life (so far... since what you learn will change ALL the years going forward!)

You are ready!

BUT you DO get a guarantee, just in case you are wondering if it is truly right for YOU!

You have 30 days to enjoy The Academy - to test it out. If it isn't for you, you get your money back minus the cost of the oil starter kit.

BUT you have to play FULL OUT. You need to show up, do the work, and take the steps. You will need to show us the workbook. :-) You CAN do this!

and more

Plus, you get so much more!

(And this list doesn't include extras added along the way if you find you need something more!)



All of the Yoga sessions are appropriate for beginners. But if you are new to Yoga, you are also receiving my 12-video, Complete Beginner Yoga series to get you feeling more confident on the Yoga mat. (Value $37)



This 5-part series will help get you set up a proactive, strategic self-care system to help you use your time well AND get you vibration up. We all need to upgrade - the tool kit will give you the specific steps! (Value $111)



Affirmations are powerful manifesting partners, helping you change your attitude, beliefs, and rewiring your brain with supportive messages. BUT they have to be done well. This course takes you through how to power them up AND take them to your Yoga mat! (Value $88)



Creating a Vision Board is a powerful tool for manifesting. You will receive a training on how to prepare to create your vision board and then we will "meet" live so we can create them together, share with each other and support our visions! Value $33)



Emotional Freedom Technique, or "tapping" as it is also known, is a powerful tool for shifting deep-seated beliefs and emotions that keep us stuck. You will learn the basics so you can practice it for yourself. (Value $111)



Aroma Freedom Technique is similar to EFT but with aromas. Again, a powerful tool for releasing things that are "stuck" in our energy fields. We will run through this technique, too, so you can see which one is most potent for you. (Value $111)

Manifesting :: the academy

Get Started TODAY to Make the NEXT Year Your MOST Amazing Year So Far!

44 Coaching Series (Videos) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $7497)

8 EXCLUSIVE, Yoga technique videos. . . .. . . . . . (Value $997)

20 EXCLUSIVE, Guided Yoga practices videos... . . (Value $497)

7 EXCLUSIVE, Visualization audios. . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

6 EXCLUSIVE, Breathing exercises audios. . . . . . . (Value $97)

7 topical videos on essential oils . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . (Value $97)

All the bonuses listed above. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . (Value $736)

TOTAL VALUE = $10,017

Today's Price = $2,000

Because you deserve to live your Extraordinary Life!

they said

While the Academy is new, I have been teaching this program for over 15 years. Here's what others have said...

Thank you for EVERYTHING!

“It is so easy to sing your praises, my dear! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!

“Laura has been an incredible guide as I manage a huge life transition. Her insights, support, and six-step program have helped me gain clarity and direction on next steps. Her unique and brilliant blending of life coaching and yoga is incredibly synergistic and I love having her yoga podcasts and visualizations to deepen the work in between our appointments. Laura is a gifted healer and you will feel wonderfully blessed and grateful to be coached by her.”


Have a step-by-step plan, along with a master guide to support you as you take the steps you've been dreaming about!

But don't delay!

It's TIME to finally live the life you have been dreaming about!

Manifesting :: the academy

Because you are ready to LIVE YOUR EXTRAORDINARY LIFE!

44 Coaching Series (Videos) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $7497)

8 EXCLUSIVE, Yoga technique videos. . . .. . . . . . (Value $997)

20 EXCLUSIVE, Guided Yoga practices videos... . . (Value $497)

7 EXCLUSIVE, Visualization audios. . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

6 EXCLUSIVE, Breathing exercises audios. . . . . . . (Value $97)

7 topical videos on essential oils . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . (Value $97)

All the bonuses listed above. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . (Value $736)

TOTAL VALUE = $10,017

Today's Price = $2,000

you asked

Here are the most common questions we receive...

What if I don't feel I have time to complete the coursework?.

One of the first things we cover is how to "find time". You will be amazed at how many pockets of time you can find when something is a priority - and your life is most definitely a priority! Plus, the course work is online for you to access at any time so you can work when it is most convenient for you. We recommend setting aside a weekly "personal growth" appointment with yourself to go through the coursework and plan your intention for the week.

I don't practice yoga. Will that be a problem?.

First of all, Yoga & essential oils are not a requirement for this work. I taught this course for years before I added them to the process. That said, the Yoga I share is not hard and a beginner could do it. AND you are receiving my Complete Beginner Yoga Series as a bonus so you can learn, if you want!

Do I need to purchase essential oils?

While they are not a requirement, I think you will enjoy them immensely! The oils I will be using in our course are exclusively from Young Living Essential Oils. I recommend starting with the Essential Oils Starter Kit ($165). The "Getting Started" module has information about how to use those oils. Young Living also has oils especially for manifesting and I share those with you each month. Simply diffusing the oils from the Starter Kit will help begin to shift your vibration.

Your life is worth the investment!

YOU are worth investmenting in!

Manifesting :: the academy

Because you are ready to LIVE YOUR EXTRAORDINARY LIFE!

44 Coaching Series (Videos) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $7497)

8 EXCLUSIVE, Yoga technique videos. . . .. . . . . . (Value $997)

20 EXCLUSIVE, Guided Yoga practices videos... . . (Value $497)

7 EXCLUSIVE, Visualization audios. . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

6 EXCLUSIVE, Breathing exercises audios. . . . . . . (Value $97)

7 topical videos on essential oils . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . (Value $97)

All the bonuses listed above. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . (Value $736)

TOTAL VALUE = $10,017

Today's Price = $2,000 | Senja, Inc 2023 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - TERMS & CONDITIONS + Privacy + Disclaimer